All CTISS events are currently only offered online through Zoom. BSL or International Sign interpreting or captions are available if needed.
Upcoming events
Ethnography of communication: a continuum?
17 May 2022 16:00-17:00
Prof. Claudia V. Angelelli & Dr. Annelies Kusters, Heriot Watt University
Mediation techniques: comparing professional & non-professional interpreters
3 May 2022 16:00-17:00
Prof. Jemina Napier, Heriot Watt University
Project EBIC: Empowering Brazil impoverished communities through critical thinking: the role of language mediation
13 April 2022 16:00-18:00
Prof. Claudia V. Angelelli, Heriot Watt University
Prof. Maico Roris, Dr. Geisa Mulla & Dayane Costa (Ph.D. Candidate), Universidade Federal de Goiás
Elena Langdon & Daniel Maciel, Acolá Language Services
Translation of geographic fictions and construction of place imagination
29 March 2022 16:00-17:00
Dr. Min-Hsiu Liao WIP
Translating Perspectives in Holocaust Memorial Museums in Poland: Experiences, Hypotheses, Challenges
10 March 2022 11:00-12:00
Dr. Dorota Goluch, Cardiff University
Dr. Agnieszka Podpora, Independent Researcher
Training the Art Translator
8 March 2022 16:00-17:00
Prof. Dr. Monika Krein-Kühle, TH Köln, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne
Researching the impact of translation in memorial museums and engaging with museum visitors: methodological issues
3 March 2022 11:00-12:00
Dr Kyung Hye Kim, Shanghai International Studies University
Initiating and Boosting Stakeholder Engagement around Translation: A look at the Heritage and Museum Sector
1 March 2022 16:00-17:00
Dr. Sharon Deane-Cox & Dr Pauline Côme, University of Strathclyde
Past events
Migration, Asylum, and the Ecosystem of Translation
Dr Andrea Ciribuco, National University of Ireland Galway
The Deaf Ecosystem: Local businesses, global connections
Mette Sommer, Heriot-Watt University
Erin Moriarty, Gallaudet University & Heriot-Watt University
Investigating Technologies in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Jerome Devaux, Open University
Rob Skinner, Heriot-Watt University
Hilde Haualand, Oslo Metropolitan University
Interpreting Covid-Style
Inaugural event in celebration of International Day of Sign Languages (23 Sept), International Translation Day (30 Sept) & United Nations Day (24 Oct) & HWU LINCS Dept 50 year anniversary
Delphine Jaouen, NHS Lothian
Blanca Pinero, IMO
Linda Duncan, NUBSLI
Robert Adam, Heriot-Watt University & freelance deaf interpreter